Interview: Sex Tapes


Sex Tapes is comprised of producers Esli Sugich & Chris Gaelan. Chris & Esli met in Los Angeles, CA during the summer of 2020. Their debut single ‘Blue Waves’ is a bubbly indie-psych-rock tune that feels like California. They are currently working on writing music and getting ready to start playing shows this fall.

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What led you to become an artist? 

Esli Sugich - I have always been fascinated with music and sound from a very young age. I collected different boomboxes to create mix tapes off of the radio when I was pretty much a child. My family is very musical so music was always around me. 


Chris Gaelan – I’ve been a musician as long as I can remember.  Making music has always been the most fascinating thing in life to me.  There are rules, there are no rules, it’s infinite.  


What inspires your music? 

Esli Sugich - Everyday events inspire me. The weather is a big influence on me, it changes my mood and a lot of my inspiration comes from it. The environment in which we grew up in I think has a lot to do with how we create art. The culture around us has a big impact on how we view the world so it definitely directs the way that I make art. 


Chris Gaelan –  I’m inspired by the sounds as I start creating them.  I’ll start playing a synth and then freak out because I’m so into the energy I’m whipping up.  I also read a lot—lots of novels, and lots of poetry.


Who are some of your influences? 

Esli Sugich - I take inspiration from everyone. I enjoy surreal art so Salvador Dali was a big influence on me during my high school years as a painter. I went through a big Radiohead phase as well. Jimi Hendrix is a big influence on guitar for me and Kurt Cobain is a great lyricist in my opinion, as well as Robert Smith and Morrissey (with The Smiths lol). On the dark side I took a lot from Joy Division, Depeche Mode. 


Chris Gaelan – I’m into all kinds of music.  I think my favorite band currently is the Avalanches.  I grew up playing classical and jazz and so I take a lot from that.  Jimi Hendrix was also a huge influence on me and Bob Dylan, Prince of course.  I’ve also spent a lot of time making dance music.  I love house and going to raves and those kaleidoscopic feelings and driving pulses have a big place in what I’ve been creating lately.   


What are some of your favorite memories from your career? 

Esli Sugich - Band rehearsals in the valley inside a hot garage! Haha. I’ll never forget touring the UK with my ex-band Ballerina Black. That was like a dream come true for me. Playing in gothic Edinburgh inside a castle then going out at night to small clubs and bars has always been a highlight for me.  Working with amazing producers like Nick Launay, Moby, etc. I think there are many more memories left to create to come. 


Chris Gaelan – My favorite moments have been whenever the writing has clicked for me.  I’ve written so many songs but once and a while a great song happens.  It’s like you become a channel and words and melodies just shine through you, it’s a rush.


What have been some of the greatest challenges of your career? 

Esli Sugich - When I was 19 / 20 years old my parents moved to Utah from L.A. and I stayed behind to continue my music career obsession. I have been living in L.A. on my own ever since. I’ve moved around L.A. a lot and if it wasn’t for my very supportive friends I probably wouldn’t be here with you all. 


Chris Gaelan – Haha, it’s hard to keep the faith.  I keep working until what I’m making is what I want to be making.  I’m happy to say I’m really excited to share my music now but it’s taken a lot of experimentation and trial and error to learn the path that feels natural for me.  


Which of your songs/eps or albums is your favorite? Why is it your favorite? 

Esli Sugich - Well, so far we only have two songs as Sex Tapes haha (and many more to come) and I love both of them. Blue Waves is our debut single and I love it because it is a very colorful song that feels a lot like how I view my life as a Californian, north & south. 


Chris Gaelan -  We’re at the beginning so it’s impossible to have favorites yet.  I love making music with Esli and I’m excited to share more of what we’ve been working on. 


What are you most excited to bring to your fans in the next year? 

Esli Sugich  - I can’t wait to play live again!! 


Chris Gaelan – Yeah, I’m really excited to start playing shows as Sex Tapes, gonna be hot ya’ll!!


What are your goals for this upcoming year? 

Esli Sugich - I want to play music festivals again, finish more music and travel around to share our art. 


Chris Gaelan – Esli said it, I’d like to hit the stage and start playing live.  


How can your fans best support you right now? 

Esli Sugich - The best way to support any artist is to give them a follow on social media like Instagram, Spotify, etc. Leave them a comment and share their music/art with your friends. Go to their live shows when that happens again after covid. If you have any connections in the music biz, talk about the local artists you like. That might change their music career and put them in the spotlight. 


Chris Gaelan – I’d say listen to our music and come see us live! 

Sex Tapes’ Links



Blue Waves